Seattle Public Schools

Restorative Practices Program

Community Organizations

Restorative practices program team at the re-visioning event

Restorative Practices Community Organizations and Partners

If you are a community partner and are not on this page, please contact Polo DeCano

CCS Unlimited logo

While CCS Unlimited is not currently working with any SPS schools, there is an identified desire to work with parents in supporting youth in their academic success.

Desire is to work with the various entities, discipline board, PTSA, African American Male Achievement and any other groups in supporting parents and youth.

CCS Unlimited is a restorative organization whose mission is to: 

  • Develop restorative beacons in every community
  • Normalize restorative circles as a way of being, 
  • Support the development of building circle-keeping capacity

Learn more about CCS Unlimited

Contact CCS Unlimited at

Collective Justice

Collective Justice grew out of many conversations with survivors, community members, and incarcerated people who have been directly impacted by multiple forms of violence. 他们都聚集在一起,表达了对空间和实践的需求,这些空间和实践专注于治疗,而不是进一步伤害和孤立彼此. 社区活动人士和组织者在门罗监狱与黑人囚犯核心小组和关注终身监禁者组织会面,讨论恢复性司法方案. 许多成员表示希望有任何机会对他们造成的伤害表示悔恨和弥补,并将学习恢复性司法实践视为继续其责任和治愈之旅的一种方式.


Learn More About Collective Justice

Connect the Dots, school liberation collective. creative learning experiences for educators that cultivate restorative learning environments

Connect The Dots是一个学校解放框架,为教育工作者提供创造性的学习体验,培养恢复性的学习环境. 他们将他们的生活和正规的棋牌平台排行榜的经验结合在一起,通过连接点学校解放框架来提高意识和培养实施解放实践的能力. Connect the Dots’ workshops are culturally relevant, experiential, reflective and responsive. When we are connected, students connect.

This year, Dalisha Phillips will be facilitating monthly workshops that ground school leaders, from school administrators to support staff, in understanding and implementing restorative practices in schools. Through the metaphor of a restorative tree, these workshops will cover key elements of restorative practices in schools, such as culture, mindset, processes, practices, and maintenance. 该框架为学校提供了背景和工具,以打破惩罚性的纪律方法,同时让年轻人参与共同创造一个安全和欢迎的学习环境.

本学年(22-23)在富兰克林高中开展了以深度专业发展和直接服务为基础的恢复性实践, Sanislo Elementary, and Olympic Hills Elementary. 在过去的几年里,我在华盛顿大学提供了基于深度专业发展和直接服务的恢复性实践, Lowell Elementary, and Madrona MS.

My complete menu of services that Levy schools have the potential to choose from are as follows:

Staff/Adult Offerings

  • 每月的专业发展研讨会,解放恢复实践- 90分钟至2小时的会议.
  • Weekly or bi-weekly restorative mindfulness and meditative practice sessions – 1 hour session.
  • As needed liberatory restorative practice consultation with building leadership – 1 hour session.
  • 根据需要,与特定的教育者或建筑利益相关者团体一起促进解放和恢复, challenge, and/or conflict (e.g., PTSA, Paraeducators, Support Staff) – 1 to 2 hour sessions.

Student/Youth Offerings

  • 每周一次或两周一次的学生艺术治疗小组,最多10名学生在放学或放学后- 1小时或上课时间.

General offerings:

  • Weekly or bi-weekly
    • Individual student counseling sessions for 10-12 weeks per student – 1 hour or class period.
  • As needed:
    • 与特定的教室或学生群体一起促进自由的恢复圈, challenge, and/or conflict – 1 to 2 hour sessions.

Learn more about Connect the Dots

Contact Connect the Dots at

City of Seattle logo

DEEL supports schools throughout SPS in a variety of capacities related to implementing Levy plans. Often, these plans include Restorative practices.


Learn more about DEEL

Contact DEEL at

Huayruro is supporting Garfield High School, Ingraham High School, Rainier Beach High School, Arbor Heights Elementary School and Seattle World School in a number of capacities which include:

  • Faculty/Staff Trainings
  • Team-building
  • Restorative Circles
  • Healing Circles
  • Restorative Coaching
  • Restorative Leadership Development
  • Peacemaking Circles training
  • Conflict resolution
  • System change
  • Cultural shift
  • Intercultural development

In addition to the tremendous work supporting schools directly, 华如罗为SPS修复小组提供了萨利希特林吉特维和方式的基础培训.

Learn more about Huayruro

Contact Huayruro at

Mari Shibuya logo

涩谷玛丽(Mari Shibuya)是一位当地艺术家,她与正规的棋牌平台排行榜合作,通过独特的方式诠释社区声音和修复实践, real-time creation, of a digital mural.

这幅由当地艺术家涩谷Mari Shibuya创作的数字壁画反映了2021-2022学年早期修复项目团队的会议.
这幅由当地艺术家涩谷Mari Shibuya创作的数字壁画反映了2021-2022学年早期修复项目团队的会议.

Learn more about Mari Shibuya

Roosevelt Alumni for Racial Equity

罗斯福校友种族平等组织(RARE)一直是SPS修复团队的积极合作伙伴,寻找方法支持在SPS和大西雅图地区建立和发展修复存在. While RARE does not support any specific schools at this time, 他们汇集了许多有兴趣并积极支持和倡导SPS恢复性做法的社区利益相关者.


Learn more about RARE

Contact RARE

Resolutions Northwest

Resolutions Northwest is not currently supporting any schools in SPS, however, they were an early partner with the SPS Restorative Team during the 2021-2022 school year. They remain open to supporting school communities with coaching, workshops or other ways of contributing to a restorative presence in SPS.

Learn more about Resolutions Northwest

Contact Resolutions Northwest at

The Root of Us logo

The Root of Us, founded and led by local educator and restorative circle keeper Fernell Miller, was one of the community partners who supported the inaugural community visioning event. Fernell has been an educator in the Kent school district for over 35 years. Currently, The Root of Us is not serving any schools directly, but they are open to doing so.

Learn more about The Root of Us

The Root of Us Events

Contact The Root of Us at

Solutions by Cadenas

Manuel Cadenas and Solutions by Cadenas serve several schools in SPS and throughout King County. 他的努力包括对学校团队进行社区建设一级方法的培训,目的是超越“一劳永逸”的恢复性努力,在一个持久的社区支持中存在.

这些一级支持包括为学者及其家人提供的亲和小组工作,以及作为领导团队的顾问. While Cadenas’ efforts are currently taking place at TOPS K-8 and Hazel Wolf K-8, Manuel has initiated partnerships with a number of schools.

Specific hopes for Cadenas’ efforts are to foster the presence of Tseaut, Tagish and Tlingit restorative ways implemented with fidelity in all classrooms.

Learn more about Solutions by Cadenas

Contact Solutions by Cadenas at

Sound Supports logo

Sound Supports is working with Concord Elementary, Ingraham High School and Whitman Middle School in a number of Restorative capacities that include: Restorative training, coaching and technical support.

Learn more about Sound Supports

Contact Sound Supports at

South End Stories

南端故事是一个了解创伤和反种族主义的艺术教育项目,服务于金郡的学生和教育工作者, Washington. 他们鼓励批判性思维,在最高水平的学习中激发艺术表达和对身份的探索.

Through their work, they aim to guide students towards a collaborative style of learning, giving them tools to share their stories through multiple means of expression. Currently, they are supporting:

  • Cleveland High School
  • Franklin High School
  • Leschi Elementary
  • Rainier Beach High School

Their presence will expand to include Concord Elementary and Madison Middle School in the spring.

Learn more about South End Stories

Contact South End Stories at

Washington Building Leaders of Change logo

WA-BLOC与学校社区合作,建立学生和教职员工的能力,以忠实于分层方法在全校范围内实施恢复性司法(RJ)实践. WA-BLOC is currently in partnership with:

  • Emerson Elementary (year 4)
  • Pathfinder K-8 (year 2)
  • 与教育和早期学习部(DEEL)合作的由税收资助的小学


Services offered by WA-BLOC include:

  • 透过专业发展培训及参与校本教职员小组/委员会,为教职员提供辅导, starting with Tier 1;
  • Supporting schools to develop and implement Tier 1-3 RJ practices and systems;
  • Providing (K-5th grade) Tier 1 community building curriculum for classroom circles and activities;
  • 通过一个名为ZONE的校内队列模型,训练学生进行恢复性练习和保持圈子, and;
  • Repairing harm through restorative processes with students and staff

Learn more about WA-BLOC

Contact WA-BLOC at